Audio Tips

This week we had a snow day on monday so we didn’t have class that day!

On Wednesday, we talked about our next assignment and also got some tips about how to get good audio. We listened to examples of good audio and also audio that wasn’t as good because of wind or mic placement. Our next assignment is an 8 photo audio slideshow in which we need a 1-2 minute long interview and pictures that go along with it. Therefore, getting good interview audio and nat audio is crucial to having a good slideshow.

The link above describes the different types of microphones and which one to use in certain situations. The main three different types of microphones are shotgun microphones, handheld microphones, and lapel microphones. A shotgun microphone is used when you want to pick up a persons voice without hearing a lot of background noise. Most reporters use a handheld microphone because they are ‘handy’ and convenient. Lapel microphones are small mice used mostly for intimate sit down interviews and are great for having a consistent sound.

There are also different ways microphones pick up sound. These patterns include: omni-directional, cardioid, and uni-directional. Omni-directional microphones pick up noise from all directions. Cardioid microphones pick up sound in a heart shape and uni-directional microphones, such as shotgun microphones, pick up sound from one direction.

The website has a lot of other great tips in finding the best microphone for a project.

That’s all. Enjoy this dancing banana.

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